Use "onlooker|onlookers" in a sentence

1. Comments From Onlookers

2. Just some onlookers.

3. Onlooker: I haven't got the patience.

4. A hush fell over the onlookers.

5. His manner is that of an onlooker.

6. An impartial onlooker must be sought out.

7. She blew a kiss to the onlookers.

8. The onlookers stood at a respectful distance.

9. One onlooker had to be restrained by police.

10. The onlooker affirmed the fact to be true.

11. Bystander definition, a person present but not involved; chance spectator; onlooker

12. Elaborate, expensive coffins are purchased to impress onlookers.

13. Everyone stumbled away, Dove and the onlookers.

14. Panicked marchers and onlookers ran for cover.

15. By the time the ambulance arrived, a crowd of onlooker had gathered.

16. I am still an onlooker and my position is privileged.

17. The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight.

18. Onlookers gasp in shock, then cheer in support.

19. The group of onlookers soon swelled to a crowd.

20. The ring of onlookers distended and closed again elastically.

21. 1 The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.

22. "Friend of the court"refers to a neutral onlooker who is not invited.

23. The concept of county supervisor as onlooker is presented throughout the proposed charter.

24. Onlookers gasp in shock and then cheer in support.

25. The first tee attracts all manner of casual onlookers.

26. 11 A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.

27. 9 A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.

28. To sit quietly while the central body of water to an onlooker.

29. Nothing says romance like an uninvited onlooker in a leopard print sarong.

30. The child glanced fearfully around the small circle of onlookers.

31. One onlooker had to be restrained by police as Mrs Wignall was led away.

32. We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies.

33. 15 synonyms for Bystander: onlooker, passer-by, spectator, witness, observer, viewer, looker-on

34. As one onlooker said, Chinese believe in rights, and freedom, but not anarchy.

35. The event gained international attention and drew many onlookers to the church.

36. Then a streak cuts across the sky and an onlooker asks, What the hell is that?

37. Aghast onlookers could do nothing to help the people in the burning car

38. The Wells Fargo crew, helped by some onlookers, got back another Pounds 2

39. So for the onlooker, the player merely repeats himself with each run of the level.

40. He became an onlooker and sat around [sentence dictionary], waiting with folded arms for victory to come.

41. In the space of myths, only onlooker knows the secret within, enjoying in the individualistic zone.

42. An onlooker said:'The little girl was smiling and obviously wanted a cuddle for her picture.

43. What joy that must have brought to his sisters and the other onlookers!

44. Also present were live TV crews, large crowd of onlookers, and helicopters circling overhead.

45. A West Berliner swings a sledgehammer near Potsdamer Platz while onlookers applaud on Nov.

46. Warn onlookers, the noise will cause the potential injury to its sense of hearing.

47. When he went to the zoo he passed the elephant house quickly lest the irreverent onlooker should make comparisons.

48. About 40 curious onlookers stood by as firefighters cut the windshield with an ax.

49. Disgusted onlookers claimed the driver was more concerned about his car than about the victim.

50. The first disciples appeared to onlookers to have been drinking on the day of Pentecost.

51. 30 You may continue to exceed onlookers expectations but always fall short of the boss'expectations.

52. Other clusters of onlookers gathered before storefronts, a few waving but most merely looking impassively.

53. With exploitative magic, “practitioners manipulate or exploit the onlookers’ perception of reality for their own aggrandizement.”

54. Arachnoids have great jumping ability to the point that it almost made the onlookers believed they were flying

55. Anguished onlookers converged on me, wanting to know in what part of the building I had been.

56. Or are you still an onlooker, mentally inclined to draw back from openly accepting the Fine Shepherd’s invitation: “Be my follower”?

57. Yesterday afternoon onlookers watched in silence as the mangled Land Rover was removed from the Newcastle / London line.

58. He writes of one such event, “These onlookers ascended a gold-Banistered staircase to the box seats

59. Joan Carrier; the head nurse, parted the onlookers, marched into the room and stood over the table.

60. Prudently taking cognisance of onlookers also turns out to be important in the social behaviour of other primates.

61. 25 The river banks were frequently lined with curious onlookers who struggle to eke out an existence in this harsh environment.

62. There was lots of kissing and hair-stroking going on, which always makes onlookers feel rather frigid and inadequate.

63. A sheikh was summoned and with his authority and before a vast concourse of onlookers the tomb was reopened.

64. The river banks were frequently lined with curious onlookers who struggle to eke out an existence in this harsh environment.

65. Onlookers from the hillside above the baptismal pool could see, beyond this peaceful scene, a parade ground where soldiers were drilling.

66. A North Carolina police officer was beaten during a Facebook Live video while some onlookers laughed and Cheered on the attacker.

67. An onlooker said: "Pires was draped in the Barclaycard flag to celebrate winning the title. Then Reyes grabbed his shorts and pulled them down."

68. He wiped the blood from a gash on his forehead then waved the Walther P5 threateningly at the growing crowd of onlookers.

69. Researchers have created a new world’s Blackest black—and it’s so light-absorbing, it messes with both mass spectrometers and onlookers’ feeble minds

70. 1996 A pod of about 15 dolphins jumped into Bronte’s Bogey hole and rode the waves, delighting a crowd of about a hundred onlookers

71. - Video posted on Facebook showed the moment an airport employee in South Dakota gave a stellar performance, juggling Batons and entertaining onlookers on March 6

72. The models, who performed balletic moves with impressive control, stunned onlookers by holding their breath for minutes at a time, while remaining serene and calm.

73. Otherwise, he might lay its foundation but not be able to finish it, and all the onlookers might start to ridicule him.” —Luke 14:28-30.

74. (2 Corinthians 11:14) He can even fabricate portents and then make them come true, deceiving onlookers into thinking that the omen is from God.

75. Otherwise, he might lay its foundation but not be able to finish it, and all the onlookers might start to ridicule him.”—Luke 14:28, 29.

76. ‘It is, in the medieval sense of the term, a masterpiece - meaning, an exemplification of talents and Acquirements, offered by their possessor as a gift to the onlooker, and a proof of attainment.’

77. Bespectacled Mr Watson, who has no piercings or tattoos, clutched his bride's hand as they walked out of the central Register Office in front of stunned onlookers.

78. Every sunrise is priceless and you can experience the richness that life holds only when you live life to the full instead of just being an onlooker. Stephen Richards 

79. The newest above ground swimming pool stairs from Confer Curve! These above ground swimming pool entry steps are designed to impress any onlookers, and manufactured to last for years to come.

80. That, in turn, raises the possibility of blunders and unnecessary show downs, and in general the predicament of a new world power stomping around, Gargantua-like, making onlookers tremble.